UCR Class of 2014. Go Highlanders!

I know I've been really bad with updating this blog, but in the mist of my fourth year of college, countless exams, group projects, and trying to get my life together, blogging got lost in the background noise of it all. The good news is that I'm done and am a college graduate now (whoohoo!) with all the time in the world! That is, until I get a job and become a real adult. Until then, I'll just be floatin' around. I just wanted to say that these last 4 years of college has been the best experience I've had in my life thus far. From leaving home, to living in the dorms with 50 other students doing crazy things that I'd never imagine myself doing, to moving in with roommates who made home feel like a home away from home, to joining Phi Sigma Pi and meeting friends that I never would have otherwise. It was 4 years of changing, learning, and growing. As cliche as it sounds, college changed me; my perspectives on life, me as a person, and it made me finally understand the saying, "You never truly live until you step out of your comfort zone." Those are the words I'll forever hold to heart because when I look back at all the great things that have happened to me, I realized it never would have happen if I was too scared to go for it. Life is too precious to
not be doing all the things you want to be doing. The only thing I regret and would change is not grasping that idea sooner and start living more recklessly (but still making smart & sound decisions), vicariously, and just truly living life. I'll remember and cherish all the memories that I made and all the friends that I've gained. There's more that I want to say but it's hard to put into words so I'll stop right here. I will most definitely miss it all, but its time to turn over a new leaf and start the next chapter in my life (I'm so cheesy, I know..). Anyway, I was looking throughout my iPhoto and noticed a lot of pictures I never posted up so I'll start documenting some memorable moments now.