These are the last few bits of pictures from Zion I'll be sharing. On our last day we hiked part of the Emerald Pools Trail, then spend the rest of the morning relaxing on the front lawn of Zion Lodge—while Bambi & friends munched on their lunch (Seriously, deers roam around people like it's no one's business. That makes me happy because this is their home and they can eat grass next to my leg if they wanted to).
Anyway, the pictures below are not of Emerald Pools (oops), but from the short hike, we took the day before—after Angel's Landing. It's called the Grotto Trail. I thought it would lead us to a big pool of water at the end (you know, like Ariel's grotto?), but no. Oh, wells. Glad we ended up taking the scenic route home anyhow :)
There you have it. That's the end of my last trip for a while...sadly. The highlight of this one though? Sleeping through a thunderstorm on our last night, hoping to the stars our tent won't get blown away, or that I would be struck by lightning. I'll miss you, Zion. You and your crazy, ever-changing, abrupt weather—flash flood and all.